Benevolence is an sin eater themed Roleplaying FC and LGBTQIA+ Friendly that focus on all levelsof content from (Daily/Weekly Roulettes, EX Trials, Maps, New & Old Mount Farming.) We also like to host community events such as (FC Movie/Game Night, Venue Opening Events, Giveways, Raffles and Much More.You'll find all kinds of players from a casual/midcore to hardcore, new Adventurer's, Legacy/Veterans
and so on. We offer our members a safe space away from drama and toxicity. Protecting them and friends from what lies beyond the walls of our FC, rumors and all other kinds of malicious activities that brew in the shadows...
We treat each other in and outside our FC with kindness, we help those who aim to do our best wether themselves or even gameplay.Benevolence is family oriented which means we look out for each other, we help each other and we keep toxicity away from our gates. If you know someone outside our home that is a friend who has been wronged. Look no further, our home is open to those who wish for protection and to build walls around our kingdom.

Our Goals

  • To provide a healthy and positive environment for our members so that we can all game safely.

  • To grow stronger together and bond as a family.

  • To prepare all of our members to that they may be ready for future expansions.

  • And most importantly, to enjoy FFXIV in its entirety with all of our members! ❤️


This FC is invite only or request by owner or leaders, each member who enters our gates shall be interviewed via.

  • Discord Direct Message

  • Voice Chat (Optional)

  • In Game Party Chat

If approved by owner or leaders we shall welcome you with open arms to our home.


You do not have to log in daily, but rather if you do happen to log in, please try to talk or give a small greeting in the FC chat/Discord! We would all love to talk and get to know you. We also help those who need dungeon/raids/and any other instance too, and we expect the same back from our old and new members. Playing together with friends is always a better experience! Let us all work together to create a lovely environment with everyone.~


We would like our members to be positive, mature, and welcoming to others! Having a sense of humour is a plus as well~ Benevolence is made to be a drama-free zone where all appropriate opinions are validated! We want this to be a drama-free zone where our members can come online to enjoy quality gaming time with friends!

Class & Level

We do not mind your level (it is just a number) or classes, all committed and active members are welcome! ^^ So whether you are old, new, returning to the game, we welcome you all. ❤️

Voice Chat

Our members are to use Discord for better communication and announcement updates! Also join us to randomly chat on about your day and thoughts about the game *(If you are a joining member and have questions as well, feel free to add/message me via lightwardenElepithumia or to simply visit our Discord, just click the icon below to be redirected.~

Joining the Discord voice is a MUST as well for members running end-game content with any FC members.

Contact Us

Again, if you have any questions feel free to ask me on Discord (lightwardenepithumia or leena0979) or message us in-game if we're online (Lightwarden Epithumia@Sereph, Nalde Llinrezes@Seraph).If I am not online, feel free to reach out to the following Forgivens:
A'dole Greywolfe | @ascian.doll#7935
Ubimi Uzul | @Princess Bimi#0430
Thank you very much for your time! I hope to see you joining us as a part of Benevolence <<SIN>> ~


Lightwarden Epithumia

Age: 33
Gender: Female Transgender/Futa
FC Rank: Lightwarden (Owner)
Classes/Jobs: Reaper, Gunbreaker, Paladin, Dancer, Summoner, Red Mage.
Likes: Hugs, Kisses, Cuddles, Playing video games, Cooking, Watching sunsets/sunrise, Listening to music, Chinese Food, Raiding.
Dislikes: Drama, Arguments, Fake People, Lying, Snakes/spiders, Being told what to do.
Discord: lightwardenepithumia

Nalde Llinrezes

Age: 40
Gender: Female
FC Rank: Co Owner
Classes/Jobs: Black Mage, Dancer, Ninja, Scholar
Likes: Chocobos, head pats, dancing, money, people with manners.
Dislikes: Arrogant people who cannot backup what they say, poor manners, liars, and cheats.
Discord: leena0979


A'dole Greywolfe

Age: Unknown
Gender: Non-Binary
FC Rank: Forgiven (Officer)
Classes/Jobs: Dancer, Bard, Warrior, Astrologian, Dragoon
Likes: Art, Music, Cuddles, My Husband, Family, Pets, Animals, STUFFIES (Plushies), Food,
Dislikes: Liars, Stress, Yelling
Discord: ascian.doll#7935


Movie Night w/ FriendsAn FC Movie Night with FriendsDiscord2.??.2023
FC MonthaversaryBenevolence's 3rd Monthaversary-3.25.2023
Glam ContestMore info coming soon--

1.25.2023Free Company established by Lightwarden Epithumia, Muffin Nicecake, A'dole Greywolfe & Ubimi Uzul 
-Company Rank 2 attained! + Company Crest was made. 
-Company Rank 3 attained! + 1st Chest Expansion was awarded! 
-FC Discord was made! 
-Company Rank 4 attained! 
-Company Rank 5 attained! (Yay for Guild Actions/Buffs)! 
-Company Rank 6 attained! + Land Acquisition awarded! 
-Company Rank 7 attained! + 2nd Chest Expansion was Awarded! 
-Company Rank 8 attained! (Also looked into the new residential area, Ishgard! We will be getting our FC House soon!!) 
-Company Rank 9 attained! 
1.30.2023Company Rank 10 attained! + (3rd Chest Expansion was rewarded! 
-House Planning is initiated! 
2.4.2023Company Rank 11 attained! 
-Company Rank 12 attained! + (Action Expansion was rewarded! 
-Company Rank 13 attained! 
-2.9.2023Company Rank 14 attained!
-Company Rank 15 attained! + (4rd Chest Expansion was rewarded! 
2.10.2023Company Rank 16 attained! 
-Company Rank 17 attained!! 
-Company Rank 18 attained attained + (2rd Action Expansion was rewarded! 
2.11.2023Company Rank 19 attained + (3rd Action Expansion was rewarded! 
-Company Rank 20 attained! + (4th Action Expansion was rewarded!) 
2.13.2023Company Rank 21 attained! 
2.14.2023Company Rank 22 attained! 
2.16.2023Company Rank 23 attained! 
2.18.2023Company Rank 24 attained! 
2.21.2023Company Rank 25 attained! 
2.23.2023Company Rank 26 attained! 
2 28.2023Company Rank 27 attained! 
3.1.2023Company Rank 28 attained! 
-Company Rank 29 attained! 
3.4 2023Company Rank 30 attained! 
3.7.2023Muffin Nicecake purchased the deed to plot 30, ward 2, Empyreum for the Company. 
3.25.2023Benevolence FC 3rd Monthaversary (Date: Weekend Event coming soon)